Providing resources and support for survivors of spiritual abuse and authoritarian control as they navigate the choppy waters of recovery.

Systematic theology

Understanding the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith

Joe and I had the opportunity to attend a series of lessons on the “Great Truths of the Christian Faith.” All but three of the classes were taught by Dr. Mark Strauss, Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary, and Member & Vice-Chair, Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) for the New International Version, 2004-present. These lessons were an introduction to the layman on systematic theology and were part of a series entitled “We Believe…” We’ve included the class outlines, along with scriptures and the notes that we took. A note of caution: some of this material may be triggering for people recovering from spiritual abuse, depending on where he or she is in their personal journey. If the nature of this material causes you mental and emotional distress, we encourage you to focus your recovery efforts on the psycho social resources found on this website. Each of us recovers at a different pace and has different needs along the way, and that’s okay.

Class #1: God in Three Persons

Class #2: God’s Person and Work

Class #3: God’s Self Revelation

Class #4: Image Bearers Who Sin

Class #5: The Person and Work of Christ

Class #6: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

Class #7: Redemption Applied

Class #8: The Church and the Kingdom

Class #9: The Final Restoration